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Black Ops 4...

While at Raven Software, I had the opportunity to create “Hyper Realistic” effects for the Call of Duty franchise Black Ops 4. I did a lot of work on some game modes and maps that eventually got cut from the final release, but did manage to get some ambient effects work done on the title game mode “Blackout”.


Breaker Map

Breaker Map was a “Hero” scenario focused map that would showcase specific hero classes and their unique abilities. While these map never shipped with the title, I did spend a good amount of time working on ambient and in-game cinematic effects.

And while I do apologize for the password protection, it’s the only way I’m able to display this video content, as most of it wasn’t released in the main content of the game.

Breaker Breakdown shots

Here are a couple of videos showcasing before and after shot of the ambient effects work done on the Breaker map.

Augmented Impact System

One of the features I wanted to push more was secondary bullet impact effects, meaning when the player shot certain items, like wine casks, it would play it’s typical wood impact but also a leaking wine effect.

This video shows some of the feature in action.